13 May 2009

Things I will miss about the Mojave

Here is my list of things I will miss about California, or more specifically, Fort Irwin...Mojave desert, California.

1. The way the moon is out by mid afternoon and can look larger than life itself in the clear desert sky.

2. The smell of the desert after it rains. Like no other kind of "clean" on earth.

3. Cute desert beetles...as long as they stay out of my house.

4. How you can drive the same loooong drive hundreds of times, but always notice something new or different that would previously have just blended right in with the monotonous desert scenery.

5. The wonderful women and families from church.

6. Palm trees and century trees

7. Wild chicken-birds that run around my street and yard talking to each other.

8. The coyotes that "party" at 3am behind my house.

9. Sunshine...an forever abundance of sunshine

10. Clean, clear air

11. The occasional sandstorm...the wall of darkness that creeps towards your house and then all of a sudden engulfs it in wind and sand and leaves as quickly as it comes.

12. Pools that are open 2-3 months longer each year than pools anywhere else I've lived.

13. Shorts and short sleeved shirts year round!

14. Surprise snow storms in November!

15. Apple Valley..the happiest town "up the hill".

16. The Barstow outlet mall...as frustrating as they can be, I will miss those stores!

17. The diversity in SoCal.

18. The "short" drive to San Diego...how beautiful that city is and how lovely the military beaches are there!

19. Desert flowers in the Spring...some of the most fragrant and resilient little plants I've ever seen!

20. The strange trees that line the walking paths here...I still can't figure out what they are! Pine? The sound when the wind blows through them is like a lullaby.

21. The way my daughter squeals and laughs as she plays in the...rocks. :)

22. Watching my daughter swim in her kiddie pool in the backyard in November.

23. California produce!

24. The moviestar-esque news personalities

25. Oleander bushes

....I am sure I will think of more to add to this list!


Melanie Draper said...

I'm so excited for you guys! I'm sure there's tons to miss about California. Hope the move goes well!

Anonymous said...

I really miss fort Irwin. I feel to my core something special about it. I want to go back and play like when I was a kid. Too bad I grew up and would look weird to others playing in the desert. maybe one day ill leave Florida and buy a house in the middle of the Mojave away from everyone. just me, the dog and the Mojave. There's something spiritual about the Mojave. She speaks with love.