OK, I turned in paperwork on post to become an FCC provider. I don't want an entire daycare center inside my home, but I would like to either be a substitute for other providers when needed, or maybe just fill one full-time slot.
So I was all set on this, and then at playgroup today I see my friend who tells me our other friend applied for role play. No...its not what you're thinking.... If you're hired for role play, you are assigned a role as an Iraqi female citizen(remember, we're stationed at the home of role playing in the sand), you are dressed in full attire (face covered, long "dresses", etc) and you are out in "the box" playing your assigned role all day long. You're allowed to come home in the evenings (unless you're detained as part of an exercise) and in a matter of just 10 days (which is a short rotation) you can bring home almost two grand!
OK...for those of you who know me...which of these two options would I rather do? Yes! Role playing! But...I'd be gone for 12 hours for up to three weeks depending on the rotation. This means my daughter would have to be in childcare that entire time. Something I said I didn't want to do. However, she's over a year old now. She wouldn't forget me, lose a bond with me, resent me, etc. I would make three times the amount, in one rotation, than I would doing a month of daycare. Plus I get out of the house, have fun, sweat a lot (hey and maybe lose weight?!)....ugh...I can't decide! If you're reading this, I'm wondering what your opinion is?
Hey sis, I am no child psycologist, so I really don't have any textbook answers to this one. Probably the best thing to do is fast and pray about it. I have always gotten the clearest answers when I have approached something in this way. Fortunately, we know that we dont have to rely on JUST friendly opinion or what the books say. Thank goodness Heavenly Father knows what is best for each of us as His children, desires the best for us and our families, and is willing to reveal His will to us if we seek it. You are a great mom! Love you!
Wow, thats a tough one. I love my kids to the moon, but somedays I just want a break, and if your daughter is good with other people it might not be to bad doing the role play and earn that much more, but can you stand to be away from her for that long. I know I couldn't leave my Sarah for long, not because I wouldn't, but because she would SCREAM and cry with whoever she is with for only an hour! I think your sister had a good answer too, Good luck making your decision!
it's more than 10 days. More like 18. My friend does it, and she is always gone for around 18.
Well, have you taking in consideration the price of day care and how much you REALLY going to be bringing home? I have found that when I worked outside the home I had so much extra expense that most of the time it was not worth it. What with food, clothing, etc. Besides when I got home I was so tired that I really did not cook or clean or cared to spend time with my family. But again not everyone acts like me! I am terrible when I am tired. Are the rotations garanteed? I mean, do you really know for sure what you are going to be making per month so you can make an educated decision? In the other hand, I would hate to be at home "working". I have looked into CDC and the modifications I would have to make in my life to accomodate a child care at home was not worth to me either. I personally prefer to keep home and work separate (spelling...?)The first comment is right. Take your time to pray and fast about this one. After all, this is an important decision.
Hey Renee!
I ahven't posted on your blog yet. Mostly because I think it is too awesome how you write and I don't want you to see my sucky version of blog. But I thought I would post in this one cause I know what you mean. I don't have the kids but I have been torn between this offer and school. I do know a few of the ladies who bag at the commissary and they look so tired when they come back. But I found out that a lady in our branch with a few little ones does it too. Her name is Rebecca.
Anywho this is long and not to the point but I just wanted to say that only you know what is needed. I am prolly the worst person who could give you advice. All I can say is that it might not hurt to test it out. You can always quit.
My opinion which you probably don't want, but I would say. Stay home and enjoy the baby. You have your whole life to work and before you know it she will be grown. You loved to watch her stand and what will you miss if you are working. ALOT!! Although the money is tempting the memories created will last into the eternities and the money is gone. Also, if really want to know think about what the prophet has asked us to do. Stay home if possible and raise your children. The final decision is yours, just some food for thought. Good luck!
Well here is my opinion, not that you want it. I say stay home with the baby. You loved seeing her stand what will you miss while working? ALOT!! Yes the money is tempting, but it will be gone and spent when the memories you have created with your little one will last for eternity. You have all your life to work. Enjoy raising a child that in 4 years will be in school. Also, the prophet tell us to stay home if we can. Just something to think about.
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