24 August 2009


So...he's here! Gunnar Wayne Sesker Wright was born on August 19th at 1459 weighing in at a mere 9 lbs 6.1 oz and stretching out to 21.5 inches long!

My labor was pretty intense, but I handled it so much better than with Mattea. I was able to wait until 5 cm (partly not my choice) for my epidural. My IV stopped working and when they removed the cervidil, which was enough to not only soften my cervix but start my labor, I was already at 4 cm. I never did end up needing pitocin, which was nice.

I was given some phentynol (spelling?) to help cut the pain until they could get my epidural in because as soon as they broke my water I could barely tolerate my contractions. I had to delay my epi until I had at least half a bag of ringers in my system and that is when my IV stopped working so they had to give me a new one in my wrist (owie!). Ah...thank goodness God created someone to invent pain killers!

I got my epidural, things went great, slow but great, and then before I knew it I was in a huge amount of pain and feeling massive pressure. Come to find out later, after feeling everything about a 9.6 oz child coming out of me, that my epidural had fallen out! What?! How does that happen? Strangely though, as much as I wanted to die while it was going on, it was a really unique experience not being completely numb for it.

Anywhoo....he's adorable, looks much like my Dad's side of the family, doesn't know how to cry just ear splitting screams, and loves to cluster-feed right now. But he's perfect and fits right into our family.

I'm very thankful to everyone that has helped our family out. We had meals for three nights from the RS, people that barely even know us, visitors, gifts, and am amazing husband who allowed me to have three wonderful days of rest and peace, not worrying about the kids, cleaning, etc. I'm grateful its over and looking forward to seeing my little boy grow up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sure with I was there to help you out as well. It's nice you have so many people willing to give you a helping hand. Take care of that cute family of yours and new baby. Love you!