10 May 2010


I was lying in bed last night amused at the acronyms used to refer to Moms who choose to stay home with their children and all things related. I should've been sleeping. It probably would've made for a better blog post had I dozed off into dreamland, but my mind wouldn't stop churning out new and even better acronyms.

Here are some oldies but goodies:
SAHM - Stay At Home Mom
DH - Dearest Husband
DS - Dearest Son
DD - Dearest Daughter
I've even seen DT - Dearest Twins (laugh out loud)

Here is the new and improved list:
SAHSATIFOOR - Stays At Home Spending All Time In Front Of Oprah Reruns
CIBBHIT - Covered In Breakfast But Hanging In There
SAHAGADSIL - Stays At Home And Gets A Daily Shower If Lucky
NIWILF - Naptime Is What I Live For
DS-AUKHALIIT - Dearest Son- Are You Kidding How About Loudest Infant In Town
INAMAP - I Need A Massage And Pedicure

Does it weird me out that these are the things running through my mind at 11pm? Nah...because I'm a SAASAHMHIHOMSS (Stressed And Anxious Stay At Home Mom Hoping I Help Other Moms Stay Sane). Acronyms make me grin. In any case, it was enough to help me get my mind off the laundry for a few minutes.

Make me grin moment!
What acronyms have you thought of related to our special stay-at-home world? Leave me a comment!


Denise said...

Stay at home Mom trying to find my floor.
That pretty much sums up this stage in life with two little busy bodies!

Beth said...

Stay At Home Mom Struggling Not to Scream as Her Dear Son Refuses to Sleep!
I know I'm a little late on this, but give me a break, I just found this (yeah, I'm slow!)